Dog Trapped Weeks in Towed Car

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Vehicle Hauled After Abandoned at On-Ramp

KANSAS CITY  l  A young dog that somehow managed to survive being locked inside an impounded SUV for nearly a month was rescued after being spotted by an employee Monday.

The dog, a 12-week old terrier-schnauzer mix was found inside a 1990 Chevy Suburban. The vehicle had been towed April 8, according to Kansas City Police, after it was abandoned at an onramp and blocking traffic.

According to The Kansas City Star, neither police nor the towing operator spotted the dog, which may have been hiding in the floorboard during transport.

The tow lot, which was not named by police, did not inspect the interior of the vehicle, as it was locked. The Suburban remained uncollected for 28 days.

An unnamed employee at the lot was startled Monday when the dog leapt up toward the dash while he was marking vehicles. Police were called, who quickly shuttled the female pup to an animal shelter.

“She was really skinny,” said Tori Fugate of the Kansas City Pet Project, speaking with The Star.

“We will give her some proper medical care,” she added. “She is very, very dehydrated and obviously very malnourished. We will get some food in her.”

The dog was named Kia by the shelter, and her age was initially estimated at only 8 weeks because of her size.

The animal experts believe she survived on nothing more than a leftover McDonald’s bag but no water. Efforts to nurse Kia back to health are underway, along with training so she can be adopted.

According to Danny Rotert, spokesman for Kansas City, the staff at the tow yard was very upset, never meaning to neglect an animal.

Rohert declined to identify the owner of the Suburban, who never mentioned a dog when he visited the lot last week in his only attempt to retrieve the vehicle. According to the lot, he showed up that day without the keys.

This towing news story is brought to you by Tow Squad Towing News

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